We are Baha’is
The millions of Baha’is in the world come from every ethnicity, nationality, tribe, age, racial group, religious background and economic and social class. Gentle, peaceful, warm and welcoming, Baha’i communities exist just about everywhere. Baha’is accept the validity of each of the founders and prophets of the major world religions, and believe in progressive revelation, the unique Baha’i principle that views every great Faith as a link in a single spiritual system progressively revealed by God to humanity….
The Baha’i teachings center around unity, and Baha’is believe in the essential unity of all religions. Baha’u’llah emphasized the importance of unity, oneness and harmony in all human interactions, and said that the collective maturation of the human race has now brought us to the stage in our development where we can recognize our interdependence. The successive prophets and messengers founded their Faiths at different times in history, and each of those religions, Baha’is believe, form part of one single meta-religion—a unified, systematic, progressive revelation, one school with many teachers.
Baha’is accept, respect and revere the religions of Abraham, Moses, Krishna, Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Muhammad, and also the sacred traditions of the prophets and teachers of indigenous peoples whose names written history may never have recorded. The Baha’i Faith encompasses, embraces and advances the past teachings of all those great Faiths, and Baha’is view Baha’u’llah as the most recent of these divine teachers….
The Baha’i Faith provides the means for peace and tranquility through a progressive set of social teachings:
- Independent Investigation of Truth
- Banishing Prejudice of Every Kind
- The Oneness of Humanity
- One Essential Foundation for All Religions
- Religion Should Cause Love, Affection and Joy
- The Harmony of Science and Religion
- A Universal Auxiliary Language
- Universal Compulsory Education
- Equality of the Sexes
- Establishing the Parliament of Man
- The Abolition of the Extremes of Wealth and Poverty
- Work as Worship
- The Non-Involvement of Religion with Politics
- The Power of the Holy Spirit
- Human Rights for All
Source: http://bahaiteachings.org/bahai-faith